The Grocery Store Arrives!


I have worked over the past few years to improve the dramatic play corner in my classroom.  It has always been “kitchen and dress up,” and there were the lovely kitchen appliances and a kitchen table.  The kids of course love this, but after a few months the play is less creative.  So, I made it a goal to have some changes throughout the year.  The goal is a work in progress, but I just finished turning the corner into a grocery store.

I managed to reorganize he appliances and use furniture in new ways to suit the needs of our store.  Here is what I came up with:





I am most excited this year to be able to hit the ground running with some beginning math supported through the store.  This change in dramatic play coincides with when I teach about goods and services, and when I work largely on beginning addition and subtraction.  I love getting the most bang for my buck, so I am very excited that all of my grocery store goods are labeled with prices!  I am going to ask volunteers to work with my kids at the beginning, and hopefully we can encourage them to truly add up the total cost of the shoppers’ groceries!

I also love to see them come up with items to put on sale!  This was one of those last minute ideas that has really paid off.

The grocery store has been a great success in the past few years, but I am always looking for ways to improve.  I think this year I might introduce a scale for the produce department to support our work with weights and measures.

How do you use your dramatic play area to support curriculum?  I LOVE literacy and math through play!

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