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Peter Johnston and Some Powerful Ideas

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to hear Peter Johnston, author of Choice Words and Opening Minds, speak.  I read Johnston’s first book, Choice Words, during my student teaching, and I can honestly say that his ideas and suggestions have forever changed the way that I talk to kids.  So, I was of course very excited [...]

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Readers Notice Punctuation Marks

In reading workshop I just taught the lesson “readers notice punctuation marks.”  My kids really enjoy this, and they do a wonderful job finding punctuation in their books.  However, it is a little trickier to get them to use punctuation to make their reading fluent.  Of course, practice is the best way… Here is one of [...]

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Pattern Frames!

I used to think that bulletin boards would be one of those really fun and exciting parts of teaching.  Well, it turns out that I am a teacher who tries her hardest to come up with a few bulletin boards that can stand the test of time (at least half of the school year, if [...]

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